Meet Our New Account Coordinator

Caliber is excited to introduce another addition to our growing team! Abby Kaup, a University of South Dakota alum, earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in Media & Journalism with a minor in Social Media Marketing. Immediately following graduation, Abby stepped into a role as the Digital Communications Specialist for USD’s internal marketing department. “After…

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Meet Our Newest Team Member

Caliber has added another new member to our growing team! Kayla Watkins, originally from Sioux Falls, has returned to her hometown to kick start her career after graduating from the University of South Dakota with a degree in Business Administration and a minor in Marketing. “I am very excited to be working at Caliber to…

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A New Face at Caliber

We are excited to introduce a new face at Caliber! Meet Amanda, fresh out of the University of South Dakota with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design and a Certificate in Digital Marketing. “I chose graphic design because it allowed me to communicate and express my creative outlook through a variety of ways,”…

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Set Your Business Up For Success

Establishing your brand goes far beyond designing a logo and selecting the right colors. It involves many different elements and deliverables that will help differentiate you from competitors and set your business up for success. Take a look at the below branding checklist to make sure you are checking all the boxes:

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Caliber Intern: 5 Things I’ve Learned

1. There is a lot more that goes into marketing than just the creative and design aspects. It’s easy to assume that marketing is solely about design and being creative. While creativity is important, it’s not the only thing a marketing agency focuses on. What I’ve learned is that strong client relationships are one of,…

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Are You Hungry?

In 2024, the Caliber team has embraced a unique challenge: the concept of staying hungry. No, it has nothing to do with satisfying your sweet cravings but instead the desire to ‘become more’ in all aspects of your life. Here is how the Caliber team is staying hungry: Hungry to learn: No matter your experience,…

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Meet Our New Intern

Welcome, Elise, to Caliber as our account service intern! “I’m grateful for the opportunity to learn from an incredible team and grow as I look forward to my future career. As a student, I’m excited to apply my coursework to real-world experience by interning at Caliber. I couldn’t be more excited to join the team!”…

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Importance of Brand Colors

Choosing a brand color palette isn’t just about colors; it’s about defining your identity and resonating with your audience. Your brand colors are one of the first elements people notice about your brand, so it is important to make a good first visual impression. They also must enforce brand recognition, remain consistent across your brand…

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Welcome to the Team

 We are excited to have Kaitlyn join the Caliber team! “I am excited to jump in and look forward to learning from the team here at Caliber!” Kaitlyn is a SDSU graduate (go jacks!) and most recently worked in-house as a marketing specialist, where she helped manage social media content as well as email and…

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A Royal Treat for Your Holidays

When we think of the holidays, we think of gathering around a table with our loved ones, usually enjoying food, and beverages and playing some type of game: insert custom Caliber playing cards! Pairing a set of playing cards with our delicious Chrisp-mix seemed like a natural fit, and was a favorite idea of our…

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