We try to give our clients, vendors, family and friends a taste of the strong culture we have here at Caliber from time-to-time. Culture is very important to us and we know that it’s not just developed and nurtured inside our office walls. Our leadership is committed to making sure that we take the time and dedicate resources to participating in activities outside of the normal eight-to-five work day. 

Recently, we participated in the South Dakota Advertising Federation’s annual Golf Tournament. Caliber Creative was the Creative Sponsor this past year for event communications. We had a fun AdScouts theme that we carried throughout the invitations, website and social media messages. As the Creative Sponsor for the past year, we had a sponsor hole at the golf tournament. Our team decided we didn’t want to just post a sign at the tee box as a sponsor. So, we collaborated on a way that we could make an impact on other attendees by creating an AdScout Camp at our hole. We had a great response from other golf teams and we had a lot of fun setting up and actively taking part in the AdScouts Camp. Even though this event meant giving up our sacred Friday summer hours – we didn’t care. Participating in industry events like this are exciting and fun, especially when we can take it to the next level. 

We also like to share our shenanigans and experiences on Monday morning after the weekend. In the past, we had a group text message string that usually pertained to a lot of meme wars and food reminders – like our Friday morning Breakfast Club. However, we’re pretty visual people so we decided that it was time to implement a photo sharing app – almost like Caliber’s own internal Instagram. This way we can see awesome photos that our co-workers take on their weekend adventures. The photos have ranged from building Barbie dream homes with the Caliber kids to sharing the “big catch” of the weekend. 

Communication is key when it comes to a healthy culture. Caliber is actively improving culture every week in and out of the office. We have also learned that communication is key when it comes to a strong volleyball team. Caliber has a sand volleyball team, Sand Serifs, that plays every week in a local league. We have learned the hard way that without communication the points don’t add up as well and there are a few injuries involved. This applies well in the working world, as we are able to take the skills from volleyball and implement them at the office. 

We’re more than just colleagues and we are proud of the family that we have built here at Caliber. This dynamic is beneficial when it comes to efficiency, creativity and constant learning. Each team member at Caliber brings a different perspective, and in turn that creates unique advertising and exceptional customer service.
