With 2021 being halfway over (I know, I can’t believe it either) I decided it is the perfect time to reflect on the goals I set for myself at the beginning of the year. With full transparency in mind, I have been slacking (to put it nicely) on my goals and intentions.

I set many goals for myself at the start of the year. One goal was to workout more on a regular basis. Cliche, I know. Instead, I choose to go on a walk once a week. A second goal was to read more. But rather than starting a new book right after finishing the previous, I push it off and fail to start another for months. A third goal was to become more productive and consistent in my morning routine, and yet I find myself hitting snooze three times most mornings. 

As I reflect, I realize the goals I set for myself just a short 6 months ago have been put on the back burner and excuses have made their way to the front of my mind. Why? Because it is easier to push “hard things” or “lifestyle changes” off, rather than face them head on. 

Now, if you don’t have this problem, give yourself a pat on the back because you have more focus than I do. But if you are also seeing the goals you set for yourself or your business not coming to fruition, take a moment to think about what may be getting overlooked and why. Take time to envision how you can refocus and reprioritize the things that are important to you and make a plan to hold yourself accountable. July is the half-way point in the year and is the perfect time to reflect and make the necessary changes you feel are needed to get back on track. It’s never too late to start! 

Here at Caliber, we make it our priority to understand our clients and what they need in order to achieve their own goals and encourage them to stick to those goals. The Caliber team is there along the way to assist in carrying out the necessary steps to ensure the clients goals are being met in a timely manner. Whether the goal includes reaching a new audience, giving new life to an existing brand or determining the best approach to being the fairest one of all, Caliber is here to help!
