You may have a crucial position at your workplace – but if you don’t vibe well or feel valued within your team, you won’t have the best performance or enjoy the day-to-day work environment. At Caliber, we value our overall office morale and keeping our company culture at the core of what we do. I took note of a few things that we do here to make each individual on our team feel just as important as the next (plus, we like to have fun).

Production Meetings – Every Monday and Thursday morning, we come together as a team to recap the status of all internal and client projects in production. This helps our team to feel like we’re all on the same page, see where we can help others out and look ahead into the coming weeks.

Breakfast Club/Furball Friday – Pancakes, Parfaits and Pastries. Every Friday, we rotate who’s bringing in breakfast for the team. This gives us something to push through on Thursday afternoon and look forward to Friday morning. With the size of our team, each individual only has to bring in breakfast once every 8 weeks – super easy, right? BONUS: If you stop by our office on Friday, you will likely be welcomed by a wagging tail and slobbery kiss. I get my dog fix and it’s fun to meet everyone’s furbabies.

Summer Hours – A team favorite. Between Memorial Day and Labor Day, our team works until noon on Friday and gets a head start on the weekend. Sweet, sweet, summer hours – please never end!

BlockParty (we dig it) – Monday nights you can catch our team digging it in the sand. Coworkers and companions make up the sand volleyball team, Caliber BlockParty. Strangely enough, this activity strengthens our office spirit. On the court, we’re encouraging our teammates onward, working together to set each other up to make a bigger impact and covering for our teammates when we see they need help. In its own way, we’re practicing these things in and out of the office, which helps our team laugh with (and sometimes at) each other and keeps all obstacles obtainable and easy to overcome with the help of others.

Town Hall Meetings –  It’s not a regular meeting, it’s a fun meeting. We mix it up once a month to gather together at a restaurant (or a dive bar – my personal fave) to run through a pre-determined list of topics collectively gathered from the team a week in advance. We’re able to come together in a casual environment and discuss work topics, Caliber items and personal stuff over some beverages and cheese curds. What could be better?

Office Birthday Celebrations –  A funny card signed by coworkers and a fun birthday lunch go a long way and I’m not just saying that because it was my birthday last week. It’s nice to feel special on your birthday, especially when it falls in the middle of the week. Side note: Birthday treats are always encouraged, but not required.

Office Treats – Ohhhh office treats. We love them, but our bodies are begging us to stop. Not only are the cabinets and fridge stocked with pretzels, pop, Crystal Light and string cheese, but at least once a week someone brings in office treats for the team. We’ve talked about the Caliber15 before and it’s hard to turn down all the bagels, cupcakes, cookies and other sweet treats that come through the front door. So, from now on please only bring in green smoothies and salads. I’m begging you.

What fun things do you do at your office? Send us an email or comment on our Facebook page. We’d love to keep implementing fresh culture ideas at Caliber!
